Smartmedia compatibility for PDR-M4 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I am new to Smartmedia, just wonder if my toshiba PDR-M4 8mb smartmedia says it is 3.3V, can I just buy any 3.3 smartmedia(let's say 32MB) and put it in and it should work??

Is there anyb other voltages smartmedia anyway??


later, Edward

-- Edward Teong (, January 08, 2000


Older, very low-capacity (2 & 4MB) SmartMedia cards were 5v. All the current stuff is 3.3 volt, sometimes marked just as "3v". I'm almost positive the M4 supports 32 MB cards, given its recent vintage, and Toshiba's being the inventor of SmartMedia...

-- Dave Etchells (, January 16, 2000.

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