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-- Critt Jarvis (critt@critt.com), January 09, 2000


Sunday, January 9, 2000 0630 EST (US)

-- Critt Jarvis (critt@critt.com), January 09, 2000.

Thank you to the marvelous Critt Jarvis for taking on this enormous task. To date, there are close to 800 posts to this forum. Pretty amazing considering Y2K was the great "non-event!"

Thank you Critt.

Jen B.

-- Jennifer Bunker (jen@bunkergroup.com), January 09, 2000.

Monday, January 10, 2000 0100am EST (US)

Thanks. ~C~

-- Critt Jarvis (critt@critt.com), January 10, 2000.

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