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Did anyone see the abomination that was the Chris Gaines "Behind the Music"? That's right, someone gave this the green light.

There was an entire history for a fictional character that isn't even a good one! I could have taken it if it made fun of him, but they tried to be serious. The really sad part is that they made him out to be a former hard rocker, when we all know that Garth is just the Backstreet Boy nobody wanted.


-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000


Oh, god, please just shoot Garth. If it's good enough for animals with rabies, it's good enough for a country singer who's obviously lost his very last marble. He looks like an utter moron. Someone needs to tell him that. Hordes of people should stand outside his window and chant, "Moron! Moron! Moron!" over and over again.

I feel like throwing up again. I can't believe such an utter idiot makes scads of money off of his music. But then again, it could be like Country Music's answer to Michael Jackson. Jacko = freak, and Garth = freak, too!

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Well. The look is kinda goth/bowie and the sound is too pop. I think he could have seriously pulled it off if he went more to the alternacrap side of the scale.

Poor Garth.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

god, i'm so glad i'm not the only person who thought that was the most retarded thing ever! i just figured it was garth's mid-life crisis or something, and someone (friends, fans, family members, his agent, for crissakes!) would give the man an intervention! but, it keeps going on and on and on! do people actually think this is a good idea? god, please make it stop, now! btw, are there any radio stations actually playing this "music". honestly, i haven't heard it, though i've seen the cd in stores. it's insane, it really is!

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

I think Garth has some kind of lack of affect problem. He refers to himself in the third person constantly in interviews, which to me, is a huge warning sign, and now this Chris Gaines thing. I like meta-commentary as much as the next overeducated postmodernist, but the problem is that Brooks shows no sense of irony or awareness that he's making a fool of himself. My verdict: Chris Gaines is what happens when you surround yourself with Yes Men.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

The worst was when he went on SNL as the host (Garth) AND the musical guest (Chris).

It was actually just sort of sad, because in the album photo, they used makeup and hair and good lighting to make "Chris" look sort of thin, but up there on stage at close range, it just looked like big ol' Garth playing dress-up.

He wasn't very funny, either.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Well see, i was ready to buy the album for Chris Gaines without hearing it because i'm a really big Garth fan.

However i listened to it and my GOD am i glad i didn't spend money on that. It sucks ass big time.

I think he should have stuck with country. He doesn't need to conquer the world or anything.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

I'm afraid to admit that I did watch part of that but only because I was wondering what the hell it was. I got all confused when they showed pictures of a younger Chris Gaines, and he looked nothing like now Chris Gaines. Garth Brooks? Sex addiction? What?

I bet Garth thought all the Blair Witch hype was real and then got the bright idea to do this "Behind the Music" thing. I can't believe they are still trying to breathe life into this.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Ok, I dont listen to Garth OR Chris, and I'm in no way supporting him or... them.. or... it....... ?

BUT, I'm pretty sure the reason for his identity change was so that he could make the crossover from Country music to Rock music.

Yeah yeah, I know what you're asking... "Why can't he just stay one person and attempt the 'Crossover'"?

Well, imo I think he thought if he (more or less) made himself a different person, the people who were interested in his new sound would disassociate Garth with Country Music, so they could buy into his new music, and image. Let me explain. If you're used to a person singing a style of music, it's hard to get used to that person singing a totally different style. Like.. imagine Britney Spears just all of a sudden decided to start singing Polka Music. Now THAT would need a major identity change. (well, maybe Britney wouldn't need an identity change, since every little teeny bopper would follow her around, no matter what she decided to become. But thats another story for another day.)

I guess what I'm trying to say is, he'd need to develop a new crowd. Because most of the country-folk probably wouldn't follow his rock gig. And a lot of the non-country-folk probably wouldn't follow his rock gig because he's supposed to be a COUNTRY singer. So, he decided to avoid the situation entirely, and created a second image. At least that's how I interpreted this whole (weird) thing.

Personally... I think he could've done fine with out the whole Chris Gaines act. In fact, I might've even started listening to his (rock) music. Because I've seen him on the Saturday Night Live episodes, and he was pretty damn funny. (you saw the one when he was dressed up as a really smart french prostitute on SNL's Jeopardy Skit, right? C'mon, that was WAY too funny!) Later on he came out as Chris Gaines and sang a rock song of his. And honestly, I didn't think the song itself was too bad... but the whole Gaines thing is just...

well, creepy.

SO there's what I think. Take it or leave it. lol

I hope I didnt scare you too much. If not, here's my webpage address. http://enchantress7.tripod.com and soon to be http://visage.cx/solace . Go bookmark both! (muhaha)

Just my $0.02! /tara

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Oh yes, the man has gone insane. My husband & I watched that "Behind The Music" episode a couple of weeks ago, if only to watch how crazy he is.

And, could the episode have any more "tragedies" to it? Not one, but two deaths; sex addiction; disfiguring car accident! Guess Garth is feeling a little bored with his comfortable life!

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Okay, I have to admit this. I like Garth Brooks as Garth Brooks.

But I like Chris Gaines too. I don't know why and I know that it's pathetic and stupid, but I just can't stop myself!

Every time that "Right Now" song comes on, I find myself grooving along with this song. I don't mean to! Honest! But it just...Happens!

Hi, my name is Meghan, and I'm pathetic.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Garth Brooks. Fat boy in a cowboy hat. Need I say more?

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

It's marketing people. Marketing. It's a movie that's coming out next year called "The Lamb" and they decided to see how much buzz they could Possibly get for it. Garth was a marketing major in college and that's why some of his schemes seem SOO over the top.

That said...

I love his music. I love his Garth albums and I love his Chris Gaines album. Did you ever hear his rendition of "Hard Luck Woman" on the Kiss Tribute Album? I read an interview where he said that the only people who would probably "get it" (Chris Gaines) were the people who bought all of his stuff because they just liked his stuff. That would be me. And my husband. We have a Very eclectic music collection...everything from Garth/Chris to Van Morrison to Bel Biv DeVoe to Santana.

If you don't like it you don't have to buy it. But if you haven't even heard it, for God's sake don't knock it!

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

Sorry, but I don't have to listen to it to knock the cheesey commercialism of it or his horrible sense of fashion and hairstyle. Yes, I understand that this is just a marketing ploy: that's what makes me so full of hate for it. It used to be about the music, man!

Which reminds me (to borrow a phrase from Larry), I saw "Malcolm in the Middle". Imagine my hand held horizontally at eye level tilting slowly from left to right while I say "Ehh". But have you seen the huge hype?

"It's a live action Simpsons!"

"From the same network that brought you the Simpsons!"

"To be any crazier you'd have to be animated!"

"We'll even color all of them yellow and give the kid wacky catch phrases if you'll just watch! Please, for the love of GOD! This is my last chance at the network! I need this! My wife left me and the alimony payments are hell, kids are about to enter college and I think I'm addicted to black tar heroin! Oh God, just kill me!..... but don't miss 'Malcolm in the Middle'!"

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

I like Garth Brooks as a COUNTRY singer. When this Chris Gaines thing first came out, I was like "eh? What's going on? IS that someone else? Is it Garth Brooks?" THEN I saw that "Behind the Music" I was scratching my head wondering how they could make up this WHOLE life about a fictional character... Seems weird. I didn't buy the Chris Gaines album...It just seems freaky somehow.

Garth could have crossed over without all this hype, I'm sure of it. Most of his country stuff is pretty mainstream. Some of his ballads did crossover.. (I realize that's different then rock songs) This is all about money. Which isn't a bad thing, even Garth needs to make money, he just likes to create a stir too.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

I think this topic ties in perfectly with the 'most embarrassing moments' topic that's being discussed at the moment as well. Maybe we should drop Garth a line, so he can make an entry there.

Honestly, I love Garth - I firmly believe that his version of Dylan's 'To Make You Feel My Love' beats the hell out of the original, and I'm far more of a Dylan freak than I've ever been a Garth fan. I haven't seen the Behind the Music thingy, but the Chris Gaines album definitely does not measure up to his regular stuff. The songs just aren't good enough for that.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2000

Garth Brooks is a greedy freak. Money isn't the only thing driving Chris/Garth. He feels he has conquered the country side of music, he now wants to leave his mark on the rock side of things.

It is sad really because I use to really like him. He puts on a hell of a concert.

But that good guy image he likes to portray, crying and shit, it's bullshit! For one thing he is a big time cheater, and if you have ever read anything about him, he is all about the money and status. Which is fine, but he goes around like, "it's all about the music, I just want to reach the people." bull.shit.

Now you might say that all musicians are in it for the money, but Garth is so set on hitting his marks that he has stooped to really bad levels. For example, I once read that he was throwing a little tantrum because his cds were being sold in used cd stores and those sales weren't benefiting his stats.


-- Anonymous, January 17, 2000

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