Can Someone Explain the Name vs the Content of this Forum? : LUSENET : The Toilet Paper Chonicles: Gallows Humor from the Y2k Underground : One Thread |
I've been just clicking on this forum when I leave TB2000 briefly, and all I see here is a repeat of the same posts made there about the same glitches still being experienced.Can someone explain what the title of this forum has to do with the content? I am baffled.
-- Elaine Seavey (, January 14, 2000
Elaine,For the time being, this forum is just a place for people to share "prep" stories and the like. In addition, each day, a "Y2k Global Headline News" thread is added.
However, when chapters of the forthcoming book are put online for review, it's assumed this will become a discussion forum for that as well.
For more information, click on the "about" thread at the top of the page.
-- FM (, January 14, 2000.
It's just another neighborhood in the TB2K community.Or is it another ward in the assylum?? Yo where is the nurse with the shot when the poetry urge strikes??
Or is it just another can on the Fruit Cake Shelf of Life??
-- Chuck, a night driver (, February 02, 2000.
I dunno, Chuck,..I kind of vote for "all of the above!"
-- FM (, February 02, 2000.