why record inp's with sound off????greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
The only reason to record a game recording with sound off is because that the computer it was recorded on run s to slow???????any ideas??????????
-- darren (games.guru@cableinet.co.uk), January 15, 2000
Four explanations come to mind:1. Someone has a slow computer and needs the speed.
2. The sound is bloody annoying. =)
3. Sound is required to be off for the .inp to play back.
4. The sound card isn't compatible with DOS MAME.
-- Sports Dude (shyboy820@aol.com), January 15, 2000.
In my case it would be because DOS MAME has no sound on my PC, and I can't figure out why.Or if I was using one of the PC's I use at work, it would be because it has no sound card. Since I can't load the game without sound, I'd have to record it without sound :)
-- Dean Ryan (crash@tcp.co.uk), January 15, 2000.
And as a reminder, most recordings are recorded with sound, so for those that want to record with out sound: please state that the recordings you make are with the -sound 0 option set, just in case there are some playback issues.thanks :)
-- Chad (churritz@cts.com), January 16, 2000.