skunk smell off dog : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

How can I get the skunk smell off my dog?

-- Douglas Kalmer (, January 17, 2000


Try some tomato juice my dogs got skunked once and that did the trick.

-- Jason Priest (, January 17, 2000.

hydrogen peroxide with tomato juice works

-- stan (, January 17, 2000.

Ditto to the above two responses. I've also had success with a degreasing type of dish detergent, such as Dawn. Good luck

-- Polly Sergel (, January 17, 2000.

I had a little discussion with a vet at the local zoo a while ago and they swear by the tomato juice. I was told there's still some smell left afterwards, but nothing works better at reducing it.

-- Chris Stogdill (, January 17, 2000.

Douglas, tomato juice works, as well as anything does. But I'm cheap. I use cheap gallon jugs of vinegar. Works about as well. Whatever you use, keep it out of the dog's eyes. Let the wetted-down dog roll in the grass to help take a little more smell away. Dry grass this time of year doesn't help as much, but it helps some. Use your own good judgement about putting/leaving a wet dog outside this time of year.

It also helps if you get faster skunks and slower dogs. Gerbil

-- Gerbil (, January 17, 2000.

Isn't it AWFUL!, especially at 3am! I like the above responses, but have had the best luck with: 1 part hydrogen peroxide/ 1 part water, wet through coat, rinse. Follow with 1 part vinegar/ 1 part water, wet through, rinse. Wash with shampoo, etc. My dog is 50lbs, and I use appprox. 3/4 cup measure, per part. As said, kept away from eyes, nose, ears! You can do those area's with a wash rag dipped in each solution. Plan on getting as wet as the dog! Do we love our pets, or what! Good luck! Kathy

-- Kathy (, January 17, 2000.

Mix one pint hydrogen peroxide with 1/3 cup baking soda and a squirt of dish detergent. Mix well and apply to dog being careful to keep out of eyes and mouth. It will be quite foamy . Rub around well and than rinse off well with warm water. It certainly is less messy than tomato juice and much more effective. It works because it neutralizes the acid of the skunk spray....a chemical reaction. I have given this recipe to many people with much sucess. Good luck. By the way , I originally got this from an old Countryside Magazine and keep it posted on my refrigerator.

-- Kate Henderson (, January 18, 2000.

The baking soda, peroxide and dish soap really works well. I used it on my dogs when they got sprayed. I asked the vet and he said he could sell me some stuff, but it wouldn't work as well as the above ingredients.

-- Linda Moyzan (, January 18, 2000.

Humpf...and Ive been trying to figure out how to get the dog smell off my skunk...

-- William in Wisconsin (, January 20, 2000.

I tried several of the suggestions here and still had skunk odour. Then I tried Envirolife Odour Eliminator, which is 100% natural and safe. The odour was instantly gone!! What a relief!

-- Allison MacEachern (, March 03, 2001.

Well I have a dog (short haired ) that smells like skunk every time she gets wet now, or licks her paws; and it has been 2 months since she was last sprayed by a skunk ( please G-D I hope that it WAS the last time .. it certainly wasnt the first time... is there a 12 step program for dogs that keep going back for more ...? ) And she has been bathed a few times since, as well as 1st class immediate tomato'd within minutes of last skunking ... and still when she gets wet, even when she just licks her paws ... skunk smell still comes out.

Any Ideas ???

thanks, chett ....

-- Chet (, March 09, 2001.

I tried the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and liquid soap remedy when our dog got hit straight in the face and it does reduce the smell very well but... what really took it completly away was a product that I had in my bathroom storage closet. I was reading up on the ways to get rid of the smell when i came across a hint to use a soap called SCENT-A-WAY. I've used this before when i've gone hunting to remove human scent. I used it this AM on my dog after 3 of the hydrogen peroxide washes and it took the smell away completly! You can find it at any store with hunting supplies its from Hunters specialties co. Good luck.

-- sargent pell (, June 01, 2001.

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