HELP!!!!!!!! : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

I need some help, in order to get a beacon what do you have to do

-- Magma Heart (, January 17, 2000


In order to get a Beaclon, you first have to unlock the Worm species. Go to the IMAvs.FIMBA, that occurs once every four years. The first time that you participate, you will be granted the ability to unlock Worm, Gali, Mew, and Henger. Wait until the first week of June. Get a Worm off of a "disc stone," and make certain that it has Jelly Cup as "likes" (It makes it MUCH easier on the trainer, that way). During your Worm species' lifespan, be sure that you feed it at least 30-35 Jelly Cups, and get the loyalty at 80 or above. Have the monster achieve the D class rank (no higher), and ensure that it is "Very Well" and not stressed the month of its' fourth birthday. If all of these conditions are met, then the Worm will cocoon four weeks after the birthday, and emerge one week later as a Beaclon. You are now capable of unlocking a Beaclon species on disk.

-- Eagle Fierce (, January 27, 2000.

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