Optimal still quality from Sony TRV10E digicam

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I wanted a digicam to record everyday growing up footage of my children and to capture a few stills to populate the photo album and send to family. Without enough research (should have found this site sooner!) I bought the Sony TRV10E. Great little machine, pleased with everything EXCEPT the quality of stills. The printer is up to the job (EPSON 740/photo paper)but its the stills I'm sending it that are poor/fuzzy/grainy. I capture onto memory stick using FINE & FRAME settings. Can you give me some pointers for how to optimise still quality from this camera ?

thanks Vanda (cramming all the technical stuff from this site!!)

-- Vanda Forbes (Vanda_M_Forbes@SBPHRD.com), January 20, 2000


That's the problem with digital video cams, crappy stills. Well, my 505 still cam does crappy mpegs, so I guess that's fair. :)

-- benoit (foo@bar.com), January 20, 2000.

! Good one Benoit !

-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), January 20, 2000.

OK, OK, fair comment :-) From all I've read I can see I'm never going to get brilliant quality stills from this but I was hoping I could get some passable ones. As I am new to the digital stuff I just wondered how I could fix things to give my camera the best chance of capturing a fair still?? Is there a basic reference work you could point me to? or even better something specifically for the sony TRV10E ? something like "beginners guide to getting stills from your digicam......."

in hope Vanda

-- Vanda Forbes (Vanda_M_Forbes@sbphrd.com), January 21, 2000.

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