Purricoon Cattery

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Does anyone know if the Purricoon Cattery of the St. Louis area is still in existence. We purchased "Coon Elizabeth of Taffenstal Becky" from this cattery nineteen years ago, lost her in '96 and could be interested in another.

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2000


Did you receive any private answers to this query yet? I have looked for that cattery name but with no result so far. I would suggest you go to www.onelist.com and sign up to become a subscriber to the mcats list (this list is for Maine Coon breeders and owners, interested in the breed). Once you are subscribed (and it is free!), you could send your query to mcats@onelist.com and I would think that someone on there may have some leads to that breeder for you.

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2000

Purricoon Cattery (Brooke/Herb Berger) retired from breeding in 1994.

Possibly Annette Swanberg SWANYCOON in Nebraska 402-289-1109)or Judy Moran, also Nebraska (Morcoons@aol.com) could help you, as I believe both have used Purricoon in their breeding programs.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

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