Mod Battery for A50/S10 cameras : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Paying $80.00 to $100.00 for rechargable batteries in down right crazy!...I've been looking into making my own rechargable setup, made from a 6 volts 1350 mah NiMH from Radio Shack. Taking a depleted 2CR5 battery and removing the "gut" and running wires from the +/- poles from the remain shell. Then connecting the wire to the rechargable 6v NiMH battery.

The 2CR5 has 1300 mah of power and the 6v NiMH has 1350, this shouldn't be a problem, correct?

What do you think?

Thanks for the inputs.


-- Eddie Shedd (, January 25, 2000


No - the rating difference you stated is not a problem. This is simply the number of milliamps available from the battery before it needs a recharge (based on design - not individual testing of the batteries).
This rating simply means your battery will run out just a tad bit sooner then the original. The 50 miliamp difference is within the spec tolerance so you probably won't notice any difference when you compare a new original 1350 with your home-made 1300 mah version.
Normally the battery poles are spot-welded (soldering produces too much heat and destroyes NiCD and NiMH batteries). I suggest you don't try that... +{:-)


-- Dan Desjardins (, January 26, 2000.

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