Is there a correlation between stress and injury? : LUSENET : APA Division 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology : One Thread |
I am doing a research paper on the possibility of athletes that are stressed being more likely to be injured!! Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
-- Bethany Mock (, January 25, 2000
Bethany,If you haven't come across their work already get hold of anderson and Williams 1988. A model of stress and athletic injury. Journal of sports and exercise psychology 10, 294-306. For some more advanced discussion look at Smith, Smoll, Ptacek. 1990. Conjunctive moderator variables in vulnerability and resiliancy research: Life stress, social support and coping skills, and adolescet sport injuries. Journal of personality and social psychology, 58, (2) 360-370.
If you send me more info about what exactly you are doing I can probably suggest some more.
cheers adam
-- adam hall (, February 28, 2000.