Are there different types of photo CD's : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

New to site, lots of great info. I have a hp 35mm scanner, but have lots of 645 transparencys and am wondering about scanning to cd. Are there different types and or qualitys of cds? If so what are they and their pro's and cons. Primary use would be on the web, but would like to edit and have some of them printed at a lab. Thanks Jeri

-- Jeri Childs (, January 26, 2000


I don't have the how's and why's, but I can tell you that the lesser quality blank CDs (and thus cost less)have a green or blue writing surface. The Higher quality blank CDs have a Gold and sometimes silver writing surface.


-- David Erskine (, January 27, 2000.

There are two different choices...

Master Photo CD...offers 5 resolutions with the largest yielding an 18mg. file. It is for 35mm film only.

Pro Photo CD...offers up to 6 resolutions with the largest producing a 72mg. file. This version supports 35mm and larger formats.

PhotoCD in general allows you to choose the proper resolution for your intended output...either on screen or print.


-- Scott J. Little (, January 28, 2000.

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