
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

About 7 months ago, I got 25 RedStar pullets from McMurray. They are really nice and just started laying. I'd had them in a nice pen for about 4 months. This morning, I went out and 14 of them were dead. There was a puncher mark on their necks and they were scattered all over a 100'x100' area. I assume this was a weasel but didn't know any were around here. I live between Houston and Austin-have lived here about 6 months, since my chicks were babys. I'm going to lock them up at night and get a weasel trap. Does anyone have any advice? Eagle

-- Eagle (eagle@alpha1.net), January 27, 2000


you didnt say if anypart of them were eaten. A weasel would have killed one and ate it. The puncture mark is throwing me, not sure what it was. Maybe a snake got in there??

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), January 27, 2000.

I don't know what killed your chickens- 14 dead is quite a few though.A good way to tell would be to leave one of the carcasses out where the ground is soft and fine enough to take a track. We have weasels here. In fact, they move right into our house sometimes and kill off the mice for us, and then move out again.I have seen remains of the mice they kill and it is just the weirdest thing-they neatly chew around and remove the nose,tail,paws,and ears and leave those scattered around,but that is all there is.Based on the experience we have had with weasels,they don't seem to kill for fun,and leave their prey uneaten.Dogs DO, but they have a tendency to maul the birds up a little.We have had ducks of all ages and lost not a one to weasels.We have had a lot of trouble with coons, they eat the crop and some of the innards and leave the rest of the bird,only like fresh meat, and only kill one bird at a time.They seem to come when the weather is bad.If you do have weasels that are killing the chickens,they will be hard to catch as they are rather intelligent.The best bet would be to put them in a tight coop,with hardware cloth rather than chicken wire.A weasel can squeeze through a hole as small as an inch in diameter.

-- Rebekah (daniel1@transport.com), January 27, 2000.

Rebecca, thanks for your input. I resubmitted my correspondence with a little more into. I'm bumfuzzled. My red start were really doing well and now they are down to half. thanks again. eagle.

-- eagle (eagle@alpha1.net), January 27, 2000.

Rebekah - sorry I mispelled your name. Thanks again for info. Stan - Thanks also for info. I'm new at this internet thing.

If you have any further info, I would appreciate hearing it. Eagle

-- eagle (eagle@alpha1.net), January 27, 2000.

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