A polite warning to Gameboy9

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

GB9, you may have been granted server authority, but you were not authorized to make today's changes to the leaderboard. Whereas BenJos simply wiped out the scores for all games on the banned games list, you've gone after some of the ones that are questionable for playback. Skito and I maintain the "banned games list," and Invinco is not listed as it DID replay on other versions of MAME under varying circumstances. Furthermore, the banned games vote did NOT pass as a binding rule on games with questionable recordings (although there were 4 games that it did carnival,carnvckt,flipshot,lstbld2). If you wish to zero out people's scores (thank-you for not deleting them) then you would be advised to notify Chad or myself, who will then add the game to the banned list. Scores that are NOT on the banned list may NOT be deleted, as this would be arbitrary and unfair in the eyes of the MARP community!!! In addition, I would also request that you post a general overview of your changes to this message board, so that players know that a romset's score has been modified.

As some of you already know, I will be taking over from Angry and overseeing banned games/banned techniques voting. I should have time to do a new webpage for this purpose soon. If there are any ideas/comments/protests about this, please let me know.

Thank-you, Q.T.Quazar

-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), January 28, 2000


I suppose I should add a few more things. I meant to say that you do not have the right to wipe out scores for an entire romset, if it does not show up on the banned games list. Individual changes are, of course, your perogative.

Secondly, my e-mail is qan@home.com, if anyone wants a copy of the banned games list before the webpage is posted, or needs to contact me directly.

-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), January 28, 2000.


shows that the old sega games(the ones which I DQed) only play back in m33b4 - last I remember, if it plays back in one version, the players are responsible for recording in that version or they're recordings were disqualified - which is why I did this.

The problem is this gives complete windows version players a disadvantage - because MAME32 started it's recording features starting at MAME v.33 final I think.

I'll also defend my GNG cleanup - anyone who leached for more than one session(session = a life of 2 1/2 minutes) were DQed. Alex Weir leached for one session, and before the time ran out moved on to the next part of stage 3 - which resets the clock. He could not leach again - which is why I let that go.

With this in mind, let me give you a hint to get a decent score - leach until there's 15 - 20 seconds on the clock, and then move on. You should be able to reset the clock. If you die, don't leach again... or else! :)

-- Gameboy9 (goldengameboy@yahoo.com), January 29, 2000.

Even though it was blunt for them to do it, i think it's been a long time comming. I hope they attempted to play back "some" of the questionable recorded versions that may play or may not playback before banning an entire games upload set because it was in the unplaybackable list. I think any banning is ALWAYS a individual recording thing, not an all encompasing beceause a game should be banned this means all recordings should be banned since one of those recordings might actually be ok.

I do think that when we ban a game for leeching, there must be specific rules that define leeching before a ban is to be applied. Perhaps even a vote: GNG leeching = 2 mintues+ or GNG leeching = 10 seconds+ or GNG leeching = leeching ok but if you die on the level you leech on (by timer or by sprite) the rec is banned.

-- Chad (churritz@cts.com), January 29, 2000.

I have no problem with the gng cleanup. That was a long time coming, and was already discussed on the msg board. Invinco wasn't (although I don't contest that it plays back in MAME32) aside from a small post by A.D.Sakuragi. The question here, GB9, is not one of correctness, but of balance of power. Players have a right to know about the changes that are being made to their scores, just as they have a right to know which games are banned as are what techniques, and I'm willing to bet you didn't verify each of those recordings by themselves. I'D NEVER seen THAT page of Angry's (though I have seen the banned techniques one), and I've been here for 8 months. I owe you some thanks; it will be a useful resource in constructing the new one.

-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), January 29, 2000.

Well done, Gb9. After many message finally recordings on invinco and similar takes the right score. I hope you will continue, because one of the problem of Marp was the slowness in making change (for example banning of recordings is began now after many months). About Leeching. Actual Marp philosophy say that we want to simulate plays on an arcade machine (so we banned pausing and similar) but in a normal play If I want I can leech. Moreover if I have a limited time to finish a stage it is my choice how spend my time. If you take a look on BBH -Psychic 5 - record you will see that He done a lot of leeching but in any case when we arrive on the last stage the only possibility to beat the previous record is to leech. To conclude I think that we must simulate an arcade machine but taking consideration that we aren't using it. About pausing. If I play out of home I can stay there hours and noone will interrupt me but if I play at home I can have my mom, my girlfriend, my friends that call me, and I don't think I will no respond to continue playing for hours. Many of marpers works and have a limited time to do many things and (probably) cannot play to 1-4 a.m. to being not interrupted by someone.So I think that a possibility is to allow a max of 2 pause in a recording. To conclude I think that we must not vote this things on the messageboard but with a pool (indicating for every choice pros and cons) and taking consideration, one time for all, of all known problems on Marp.

Hy and long life to Marp

-- A.D. SAKURAGI (alexdeidda@newmail.net), January 29, 2000.

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