looking for a milking machine

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Finding a milking machine is like trying to find a, "needle in a haystack" as the saying goes. I am looking for a milking machine, does not matter if new or used but would prefer used and in excellent condition. We need it for milking our goats. Would anyone know where I can find a good used milking machine? Thanks.


-- Bernice Raymond (geminigoats@yahoo.com), January 29, 2000


Bernice, I have had a jury-rigged, cow to goat milking machine for my goats, used ones usually are just old cow machines. At our shows and friends houses the best machine I have ever seen or used is from Caprine Supply. Their machines are for goats and made by goat people. www.caprinesupply.com They have several sizes and you can milk one or a bunch of goats together. Hope this helps, Vicki Anyone else with goats will love this catalog for their endless!!! supply of goat stuff.

-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), January 30, 2000.

This is Caprine Supply. I have their printed catalog at home and found them to be reputable. Here is their on-line catalog and they have several milking machines and prices.


-- beckie (sunshine_horses@yahoo.com), January 31, 2000.

You can use an old milking can for cows and plug off two lines.The kind you use to milk a cow with mastitus. and I beleave you can run an old compressor backwards to produce the vaccum needed,then you just wash,milk and dip. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. oh you'll also need a regulator to adjust the vac.

-- Russell D. Horner (rdh123@bright.net), July 12, 2000.

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