WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO SELL PICTURES ON THE INTERNETgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread |
I am new to computers and I would like to know how to go about selling my pictures thru the internet.
-- JACK PAOLINI (anyangle1@aol.com), January 30, 2000
Jack:This is one of those questions that can be asked in a second but can't be answered in a year.
What sorts of pictures?
To which buyers?
At what price points?
All big issues!
The Stockphoto Mailing List at http://www.stockphoto.net spends lots of time on this issue and is worth reading.
The answer is unfolding right before our eyes.
-- Brian Yarvin (byarvin@mindspring.com), January 30, 2000.
If you figure it out, please let me know.
-- (edbuffaloe@unblinkingeye.com), February 01, 2000.
The answer is:Take good pictures
show them to the right people
-- Rod Rich (rodrich@mindspring.com), February 24, 2000.