Need automated solution for technical reporting via digital camera : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I work for an automobile manufacturer that is launching a new model in Spring 2000. We want to provide 25 key dealers with digital cameras so they can take photos to document technical issues they find and upload them to our server, helping lead to quicker resolution of those technical issues. - Image resolution will need to be sharp but not multi-megapixel. - Each photo file name will need to contain a unique identifier, probably a case number or the ID number of the vehicle. - We need to make this process as no-brainer simple as possible. Some questions: A) Is there a camera with built-in modem for uploading to remote sites? B) Is there a camera that lets you name the image file in the camera? C) If we have to go the standard route of downloading the file from camera to PC, renaming the file on the PC and then uploading to our site, is there PC software available that will automate the upload process? In other words, a sort of WS_FTP batch process that can be run to FTP all images in a given directory folder to an FTP site? I have been challenged to put this solution together in 90 days and this is not my area of expertise. Any and all suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks, JJ

-- John Jacobs (, February 01, 2000

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