making babies! : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I acquired 2 Maine Coon 1/2 sisters . CFA Registered now and both over 1 year old. When we aquired our girls 1 was tiny. The other had a running nose and the sneezes. After many tests and much love they are both healthy and beautiful. They had beaten Bordatella bronchiseptica- moderate growth, Staphylococcus intermedius-scant growth and alpha hemolytic streptococcus-scant growth. The vet did about 4 hydrating treatments on the little one and was amazed she made it. I guess when a under 1 lbs kitten lives around your neck in a scarf and sleeps there too... We purchased from a breeder. I never asked her for anything back because I knew these kittens would have died if left in her care. Yes it was a decision of the heart to buy them at $300. each. We now would like to have a liter from each of our girls and want a HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL mate for each of them... Can you suggest a reasonable way I can go about this? I would be willing to give up 1 kitten from each liter to the Sires owner.

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2000

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