Human-Machine versus : LUSENET : Human-Machine Assimilation : One Thread |
At present the possibility is more for humans to assimilate the machine into their being than vice-versa. This could lead to a superior being that is part machine, but human controlled/based, rather than the obverse image of machine controlled. From this hybrid, could it not be possible to evolve along side machines?Humans have proven pretty adept at utilising the environment / resources to their own end. Personally I think this will carry us through for quite a while - at least until the 'threat' is more defined.
Of all the calamities facing mankind (quite a few of our own making), I feel that machine domination is at present quite low down the scale.
-- Chris MacLean (, February 03, 2000
Hi Chris, thanks for your interesting comments. I basically agree however, I would also point out that something does not have to be a 'calamity' in order to be interesting, right ? This topic has its own interest regardless of one's views on the desirability of it actually happening.I would also point out that if all the other calmaties DON'T happen (global superstorm/warming/eco-apocalypse, revision to barbarism after financial collapse, nuclear war, etc.) then H-M-A or its 'stronger' version, human domination by machines, is virtually certain, by simple extrapolation from basic Darwinian principles. So, it is interesting to get a head start on cosidering this.
Notice that though I'm basically negative on the prospects, I try to represent all points of view here, including machine-positive viewpoints such as the transhumans (see links posted on other threads).
-- scott (, February 04, 2000.