Does any one : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread |
Does any one now when the paradoxine comes slong, and where is the golden peach, and is it very hard to get. I have alot of qustions to ask and i'll post them later.
-- CYCLOPS (, February 07, 2000
I guess it is on the Torles expedition everytime(I have had no problems with it not being there). It is in the cave in the center of the expedition(the one that looks like a crack in a mountain). The golden peach is in Tusk Tower on the Papepare expedition. It is the tall, slender tower kind of in the middle of the expedition. Both items are pretty easy to find. Just have like 700+ int and at least 380 lif and pow and you should have no problems.
-- The Man (, February 07, 2000.