Kalart Rangefinder question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I have a Crown Graphic 2x3 with side mounted Kalart rangefinder. I have the instructions for adjusting the rangefinder to different lenses - I would like to use it with wider angles. Does anyone know if this rangefinder can be adjusted to accomodate lenses wider than the 101mm mentioned in the text of the original instructions?

Also --- I am looking for a focus scale for wide lenses (65mm?) for he same camera.


-- alan dale (adale6@excite.com), February 09, 2000


Hi Alan, I'm looking for a focus scale for a 150mm lens. Have you tried just going through the adjustment procedure with the 65mm lens? I mean in the adjustment procedure have gone beyound the stops? David

-- david clark (doc@ellensburg.com), February 09, 2000.

Try www.graflex.org They have an article on how to adjust the Kalart viewfinder .

-- Enrique Andrade (EMAndrade1@aol.com), February 17, 2000.

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