did I see a cameraman tonight? (02/10/00)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

I know Lucie and Carter are the big topic after tonight's episode, but I'm sure I saw someone skitter out of camera range when the little boy went to look at his mom's body (sniff) I didn't tape it, so I can't be sure, but my boyfriend was passing me the kleenex, so he didn't see it either.

-- terry smith (little_terr@hotmail.com), February 11, 2000


Response to did I see a cameraman tonight?

I saw that too! At first I thought it was the kid, since her wasn't in the room when Luca walked in. Then I was thinking it was the stabber......

-- sue bruce (smbruce@carolina.rr.com), February 11, 2000.

Response to did I see a cameraman tonight?

Yeah, I saw that too. I was on the phone when the episode aired so I taped it and watched it later. I saw the cameraman and at first thought it was the little girl but when I went back and froze the frame, it was definately a crew member. First time I have ever seen it happen on this show, I wonder why they didn't re-film the scene?

-- stephanie (slash@dashmail.net), February 11, 2000.

Response to did I see a cameraman tonight?

Nope-that wasn't a camera man-at first I thought that too but if you look closer, it is one of the nurses leaving the room after cleaning the guy up a bit. (she was wearing a pinkish uniform).

-- djskid (djskid1@yahoo.com), February 11, 2000.

Response to did I see a cameraman tonight?

It was probably a difficult seem to shoot the first time, emotional and all....if that was a crew person, maybe they should all wear scrubs so they can blend in! just in case!

-- Sandy VH (superjet90@aol.com), February 11, 2000.

Response to did I see a cameraman tonight?

I swear it was Laura Innis, aka: Kerri Weaver, who directed last nights episode. Look closely. It's a female, thin, with reddish hair. Too coincidental not too have been her!

-- Bertie (CampRip@aol.com), February 11, 2000.

Response to did I see a cameraman tonight?

Multiple people in previous Q and As have said that apparently it was Laura Innes, the director/actress in ER...(Dr. Weaver...)

-- Heather (umasscutie69@yahoo.com), February 12, 2000.

Response to did I see a cameraman tonight?

No it wasn't the nurse. You do see her leave, but this happens a little after that, and the person is wearing black, not pink. It is none other than Laura Innes. I know because I watched it over and over, paused it, slo-moed it, et cetera and it's her! If you don't think so read the post about "I saw a big blooper" for more on this.

-- Annie (GoldenLaur@aol.com), February 17, 2000.

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