Camilus S. Fly : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

This may seem to be an odd question for this forum, but I will ask anyway. Do any of you have any knowledge of or information about Camilus S. Fly, the 19th century Photographer? I know he left a thriving portrait studio in San Francisco to move to Tombstone Arizona to open a studio there in the late 1800's. He photographed most of the participants of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral, but missed the gunfight itself even though it took place just outside his studio.(one of the participants even escaped through his shop!)He is most famous for photographing Geronimo during Geronimo's surrender. I know that he was a drinker, and died from drink. I hope some of you have heard of Mr. Fly and can give me some information. Thanks Bill Lindley

-- Bill Lindley (, February 11, 2000


If you post your information at this site you'll get some experts on C. S. Fly to respond:

It's the Old West History Discussion Board

-- Armand (, January 27, 2002.

Bill, You would have received my E mail regarding CS Fly, however I would like to post this so that other enthusiasts may respond. Why oh why, did CS not record anything of the shootout. OK so with wet plate cameras etc it may have been difficult, but he was an experienced professional, so I would have thought he would have had equipment ready for any day to day Tombstone event. Also why didn't he at least record the aftermath, such as crowds, onlookers, removal of the corpses...instead I hear he busied himself with disarming the dying Billy Clanton...perhaps he was the worse for drink! In any case he must have kicked himeself all the remainder of his life for failing to record one of the most infamous events of the Old West! Yours, Darryl Taylor(United Kingdom)

-- dee taylor (, May 22, 2002.

Bill, You would have received my E mail regarding CS Fly, however I would like to post this so that other enthusiasts may respond. Why oh why, did CS Fly not record anything of the shootout. OK so with wet plate cameras etc it may have been difficult, but he was an experienced professional, so I would have thought he would have had equipment ready for any day to day Tombstone event. Also why didn't he at least record the aftermath, such as crowds, onlookers, removal of the corpses...instead I hear he busied himself with disarming the dying Billy Clanton...perhaps he was the worse for drink! In any case he must have kicked himeself all the remainder of his life for failing to record one of the most infamous events of the Old West! Yours, Darryl Taylor(United Kingdom)

-- dee taylor (, May 22, 2002.

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