Great reviews : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

I think Laura writes a great review and enjoyed her titles (wimp & gimp!). How did the reviewers get these great jobs? Do they write for any other shows? Thanks

-- Morgan Sands (, February 11, 2000


The people who write for the site get their jobs because of a history of presenting well-reasoned arguments in various fora. They're chosen on a merit-based system that's too poorly defined to quantify; basically, I pick 'em.

If they write for other shows, I don't know about it.

-- Mike Sugimoto (, February 11, 2000.


No, I don't write a review for any other show and I daresay Paula, P.D., and Laura don't write summaries for any other show. It can take up to six or seven hours to write a good summary or review, so it's rather time-consuming.

We appreciate that you enjoy them. Thanks for taking the time to tell us.

-- Phyl (, February 12, 2000.

The reviewers on this site I have to say do a teriffic job and are very observant a majority of the time. I think the reviews are great. I'm not suprised that it takes so long to do them because sometimes I don't even have enough time to read them!

-- chris (, February 12, 2000.

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