Ding Darling artwork

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Exchange: A Forum for Antiques and The Arts : One Thread

I have recently received 8 cartoons autographed and drawn by Ding Darling. What is the approximate value?

-- tad (Flannel4us@aol.com), February 11, 2000


The appraisal of autographs is a very specialized area, particularly when two or more items are combined . In the case of your Ding Darling cartoons you have two items of value, the cartoons by Darling, plus his signature. I suggest you visit this url, http://www.autographsofamerica.com/i-doyouhaveautographs2sell.html they provide the autograph value information for the Schroder's Antiques Price guide and have links to other a interesting autograph links.

-- Mike Wilcox (appraisers@sympatico.ca), February 16, 2000.

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