Dining table & chairs - "Indian blanket design?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread |
My husband & I just purchased a dining table & chairs that the previous owner claims to be an Indian blanket design. It's a solid oak table with the design stained or painted on. The pattern is on the ends of the table. The leave is a "pop-up/folded" leave that is hidden under the table. The only unfortunate thing, is there were only 3 chairs. I'd love to see if I can find another one, or at least have one made to match. The same "blanket" pattern is echoed on the backs of the chairs. The seats themselves have black leather cushions - they are quite worn. We are going to refinish the set, but wish to find out a bit more about the style.... can anyone help here? When we refinish/restore the set, I'd like to stay as true to the style & original colors as possible.I'd appreciate any & all help that can be provided.... We live in Woodbridge, VA.
thanks, kathy
-- Kathy Strauss (beadstar@erols.com), February 13, 2000