NiMH Batteries : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

All over the place in the Olympus C-2020 manual it keeps warning about buying non-Oly rechargable batteries. I know this is a popular hook to convince the buyer to purchase OEM equipment, such as 35mm lenses. Is the choice of battery brands really necessary in this case? With this camera a second set of batteries is almost mandatory because certain functions reset when the batteries are removed for over an hour (when they require a full charge).


-- MikeB (, February 16, 2000


Been using GP Powerbank NiMH batteries for over 2 weeks now. No smoke coming out of my 2020Z yet. I got the Japanese package for the 2020Z which comes with an additional 16 MB smartmedia card instead of the rechargable batteries. They came with some cheapo Sanyo alkalines. You decide.

-- Al (, February 17, 2000.

I have been using Radio Shack NiMH batteries in my Oly D400z for over six months.


-- Tom C (, February 17, 2000.

Yes - it's a ruse!
You can use other manufacturers batteries. But please do be careful. Cheap batteries can be a real heart- breaker. I used to repair cameras and leaky batteries (even the recharchable kind) often render a camera unrepairable if the leak is not discovered quickly.
Generally - if the battery comes in a package that does not include information about the company and it's address - there's a reason!


-- Dan Desjardins (, February 17, 2000.

Try the for batterys and chargers. Their MAHA charger and Nickel Metal Hydride Battery make this probably a non-issue. 8 batterys and charger for less than $50. Also included a car attachement. Fast Charges in 2 hours then goes to slow-charge.

I use them in my Nikon CP 950.

-- Dave Clark (, February 18, 2000.

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