Valve failure prompts water rationing in Galveston : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Feb. 17, 2000, 12:23PM

Valve failure prompts water rationing in Galveston

GALVESTON (AP) -- Homes and businesses are being ordered to cut out "non-essential" water usage for the next few days following a valve failure that has reduced this island city's freshwater supply.

Two old valves failed Tuesday as contractors connected a new line on the old causeway bridge to the existing line, city spokesman Wes Swift said.

One replacement valve was to arrive today, but the other likely won't be in place until the weekend, prompting the order for residents and businesses to limit consumption to essential use.

Meanwhile, a reduced supply water is flowing through a balky, 110-year old line running underwater from the mainland. The city also has limited capacity on the island.

"We're asking, demanding, that people not wash cars, fill up swimming pools, use any excessive amount of water they do not need to live a healthy life," Swift said.

-- Martin Thompson (, February 17, 2000

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