In Like Flux : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Has anyone seen the movies "In Like Flint", and "Our Man Flint"? They were like early James Bond parodies, and Flint was kind of a male Aeon Flux. Check it out!

-- Paul D. Gilbreath (, February 18, 2000


"In like Flint" is really referring to that major male sex symbol, Errol Flynn, I hope you know, and nobody got there quicker, I guess, hence the expression, "In like Flynn". Interesting side note; the daughter of Ricky Nelson, (and her name escapes me at present), grew up with her father in a home in Hollywood reputedly to be one of the most haunted homes in Hollywood, owned formerly by Erroly Flynn, who is the said haunt, and when old Ricky died, that is where his daughter feels he went too.

-- Barb e. (, July 01, 2000.

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