Are you mischievous? : LUSENET : Nayad : One Thread |
Do you like to tease people, or play tricks on them? If so, what kind of teasing and/or tricks?
-- ann monroe (, February 19, 2000
Earlier this week I put up in my office at work a calendar with a different demotivational picture for each month. Despair does these.... A funny alternative to the usual motivational posters you see in the corporate workplace. That's about as mischievous as I get realy.....
-- Dean Cullen (, February 19, 2000.
I find myself plotting mischief fairly often. >=) I don't really want to reveal my methods, but generally my goal is to trick people into a better mood. I also enjoy socially manipulating people from silent boredom into actually conversing with the people around them. I'm conscious of my ability to wreak havoc of another sort, but I prefer to use my powers for good. Some people try to be miserable, but if you're sneaky you can thwart their efforts. =)
-- Aaron (, February 21, 2000.