Do you waste money on things? : LUSENET : Nayad : One Thread

What are your spending weaknesses? Is there anything you feel guilty about buying?

-- ann monroe (, February 21, 2000


I buy too many books....I should get more from the library....

-- Dean Cullen (, February 21, 2000.

Uhhh, I have two kids. Why did I just buy a PA system for my band? Why did I just spend a few hundred bucks on Kids In The Hall tickets? Am I really that much of a moron?

On the other hand, my kids are very bright, so I rationalize every purchase I make with the word scholarship.

-- Ed (, February 22, 2000.

Gasoline... I hate this stuff... it cost's too much,polutes the world and we can't seem to live without it...

I buy about 30 gal. or 45 dollars worth a week. and i would rather spend it on buying anything books or c.d.'s or concert tickets.

-- Carl Sub lord of non-fiction and loving life (CSMEER@YAHOO.COM), February 22, 2000.

I am terrible with money. It is my greatest flaw. I spend impulsively on all sorts of things. I recently thought of a way to build an electric recumbent motorcycle (I am Sublord of Vehicle Building, after all) and I bought all of the parts. $$$$ I am addicted to strange vehicles, and I got my wife addicted also. I'm always buying parts from England. Shipping charges are a bitch. I go through phases with my other vehicle fetishes, too. Last week I bought sails for the boat, even though I won't finish it for months. I usually don't feel guilty unless my spending affects the family. For example, my son will ask to go out for Thai food and I'll realize that we can't go until Friday. It doesn't happen often, but it happened recently after I bought all of the batteries for the bike. There must be a 12 step program for people like me. Too bad I've dedicated my life to avoiding the walk.

-- Rick Nelson (, February 24, 2000.

I manage a music store (for one more day, anyway), and so you can imagine what I spend too much money on. It's sort of an occupational hazard...

-- Rob Rummel-Hudson (, February 25, 2000.

Money?? I have money??? Let's go spend it!!!!! I wil spend money on jus aobut anything, my weakness is that if it's in my pocket, I will find a way to put it in someone else's. Books, music, food, more food, tools (read toys), lottery tickets (read entertainment), gifts for people with more money than I have it's all good!!! Pete

-- Pete sublord of Homemade Cake and Safe Driving (, February 27, 2000.

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