F-2 Focusing Screen

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

Does anyone know where I might even start to look for a type "B" focusing screen for a Nikon F-2?

I recieved one in Mint condition, works great but the "A" screen is a little hard on my eyes. If anyone knows of any sites that might deal in older camera parts, I would really appreciate it.

NOTE: I have looked on ebay but there never seems to be any B screens!


-- Jeff (pctech@tir.com), February 22, 2000


In case you didn't know, the screens for the F2 are identical to the ones for the Nikon F. I much prefer the B type screen myself, no clutter, and no split image blackout either!

If you get really desperate, the F3 screens have the same optics, and the glass and plastic assembly can be transplanted to the F/F2 metal carrier. In fact, if you're handy with a needle-file the F3 frames can be filed to fit the F2.

-- Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk), February 22, 2000.

pete is right, I work for an australian distributer for Nikon, and our technicans would agree. F2 & F3 screens are simular but filing is need as F3 sceens are just slight of 2mm.

-- jenni thorman (fotojennic@yahoo.com.au), April 17, 2000.

You can obtain a type B screen for the Nikon F2 at this site. They have a couple I think. I recently traded in my almost mint black body F2 AS that had a spare perfect type B screen. Of course I now regret doing this but that's another issue.

www.aucklandcamera.com (look under second hand Nikon)

-- matt veld (mahv@xtra.co.nz), January 29, 2001.

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