c-print photography

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Alternative Process : One Thread

What is the process involved regarding c-print photography? Any information that you might be able to provide is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

-- Kim Bergen (katu4@netrox.net), February 24, 2000


Without any more detailed information, this is hard to say. The only thing that comes to my mind offhand is c for cyanotype. Is that what you mean?

-- Thomas Wollstein (thomas_wollstein@web.de), February 29, 2000.

As I understand it. The process is something like a color laser printer. The lasers "print" on a RA-4 paper and it is developed from there. I would like to know more about this process

-- Rico Paolino (epaolino@omicron.com), March 07, 2000.

Last I knew, C-prints are Cibachromes. This is the process of printing color slides on Ilford Ciba paper. They are the richest color, longest lasting (extremely stable). The prints almost take on a life of their own being almost 3D. Cheers, Scott

-- Scott Walton (scotlynn@shore.net), May 22, 2000.

I have also heard C-print as describing cibachrome prints. They are quite beautiful! They remind me of the kind of colors you see during an eclipse. I have seen several over the years in an annual exhibit in Oberlin, Ohio called the Annual 6-State Photography Exhibit that is sponsored by the FAVA gallery. I have heard, though, that not many photographers work in it these days because of the extreme health hazards, in particular, that it often causes sterility in men. And you will not find it commercially available.

-- Holly Whiteside (hollywhiteside@oberlin.net), December 05, 2000.

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