pixel count - are there standards?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am considering buying a new digital camera and the announced, but not yet available, Fuji 4700 intrigues me. Can I assume that Fuji's description of the camera as a 4 megapixel camera refers to the real number of pixels on the chip?

I know that all images involve interpolation because of the "striping", but the real resolution critically depends on the physical number of pixels on the sensor (super CCD or regular CCD). Many computer programs (like Photoshop) can increase the number of pixels in any file by further interpolation. I guess what I am asking is: will this camera really have a 4 megapixel sensor or will the 4 megapixels come from interpolating the output of a 2 megapixel sensor?

-- William C. Webster (wwebster@socrates.berkeley.edu), February 28, 2000


Fuji's two new digicams for 2000 have their new sensor design which they claim provides resolution similar to other digicams with double the number of pixels, i.e. 3MP of Fuji equals 6MP of other brands as regards resolution. We'll have to wait until the cameras hit the market before we can agree or disagree with their claims.


-- Rodger Carter (rodger.carter@wpafb.af.mil), February 29, 2000.

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