minox 35mm..overexposure riskgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MINOX FAQ : One Thread |
Since on the 35 mm Minox the max shutter speed is 1/500 how can we avoid the risk of overexposure when using a 400 ASA film ??? only solution is the 2x neutral filter ? but then the camera connot be closed...Any other solution ? Thanks philippe petitgas
-- petitgas philippe (petitgas@hkstar.com), March 05, 2000
All compact camera except a very few has upper speed of 1/500. For exmaple my Contax T2 has uppper speed only at 1/500. Some deluxe P&S such as Konica Hexar has top speed of 1/250 !Minox has a remedy : add a Minox 35 grey filter with lens hood. PN 69304.
My Contax T2 does not even provide such a remedy.
Carry two Minox 35 cameras, one for ASA 400, one with ASA 100.
-- martin tai (cg081@torfree.net), March 05, 2000.