What's happened to "images of Photography"?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Sorry, I know this isn't strictly a B&W question, but what's happened to the "Images of Photography" forum?

I thought it was a great idea, and had really only just got going.

Where is it?

-- Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk), March 06, 2000


I'm not sure why it isn't listed either, but here's the address:http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a.tcl?topic=Images%20of% 20Photography

-- Paul Swenson (paulphoto@humboldt1.com), March 06, 2000.

This data-based list has some sort of function that polls the various groups for activity. I don't know how it works, but if not much goes on for a little while in a group, it drops off the "active groups" list. Just bring up the "show all groups" and you'll find it. It's happened to this one, too.

I, too, think that the idea of the "Images" group is really refreshing. So get some good stuff up there, everyone!

-- Paul Harris (pharris@neosoft.com), March 06, 2000.

"forums", not "groups", I guess..

-- Paul Harris (pharris@neosoft.com), March 06, 2000.

I also noticed that the frequency of postings there has really dropped off. Not sure why. I really enjoyed seeing other's pictures, and thought there were some jamming threads going for awhile.

-- Mark Rovetta (1234hods@gte.net), March 07, 2000.

Thanks very much for all your responses everyone.

I hadn't noticed there was a "Show all Forums" link before, (Doh!)

It's there sure enough, along with a lot more goodies.

Thanks again.

-- Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk), March 08, 2000.

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