Anyone using the JVC BR-DV600 recorder? : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread

Any feedback on this new Mini-DV player/recorder from JVC? Sounds very good: firewire, component, analogue, TC in & out, RS422 &232 options. Planning to use it with G4/Final Cut Pro 1.2. Is it compatible (not yet certified by Apple)?

Thanks, J

-- John Burgan (, March 06, 2000


John, I'm considering the same deck if I end up getting the DV500 camera that goes with it. I read a bad review on the lens that comes with it! let us know.

-- Adam Arfaras (, April 13, 2000.

Adam, I finally got hold of the BR-DV 600 to test and whilst it had many strong features the promised TC in was not there (I wanted to dub Beta to DV with the same TC). Otherwise it seems like a good machine, worked well over firewire.

FWIW, the same dealer who had kindly lent me the deck also sells the camera and he says that the lens that comes with it sucks but otherwise it's great.

Good luck.

-- John Burgan (, April 14, 2000.

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