LOOKING FOR DP FOR INDI DIGI FILM IN MD!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Hello Fellow DV filmmakers, I'm shooting a feature length digi film starting in the last week of Apirl. Hoping to find a DP that either owns or can handle the XL-1 or VX-1000. 80% of the shooting will be down in Maryland-the greater Washington area and the rest will be shoot in NY. I will be responsible for the NY migration as the production is based in MD. We have a "tight" script -storyboards, shooting script, blocked scenes, etc. and also a great cast. THis action drama is destined to be the next GREAT Indi-be a part of it!
-- DELE LAYEMI (ASHAJU2000@HOTMAIL.COM), March 07, 2000
i am a d.p with a film background i am from d.c. i go back and forth i own a xl1 . give me a call i am also in production .
-- ED.x (epinkett@yahoo.com), March 11, 2000.
A background in film is a definite plus!I also grad from film school in NY. I would thrilled to talk to you more about the project. I hope to start shooting early spring.How's your current project going? Wishing you the best- love to hear about it also. I've sent my number, looking forward to hearing from you
-- DELE LAYEMI (ASHAJU2000@HOTMAIL.COM), March 13, 2000.