Running board color on green Alcos : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

In looking at old color photos of green Southern S2 2221, it appeared that the running board is black not green. Looking at other color photos of green's S2's and RS-2's and RS-3's it appears that they might all have black running boards as opposed to green. Is this a "photo problem" or were the runnung boards indeed black (with green bodies)?

-- Roy Williams (, March 07, 2000


All of the green Southern S's and RS's, that I saw in person or have seen picures of, have black running boards. This was because the green SR engines of the 50's and early 60's all had black lower bodies. By that I mean the area below the imitation aluminum (off- white) band. Of course most switchers and road switchers had white safety striping on the ends too. To my knowlege the only engine ever having green running boards and a green lower body is the 4610. When I drew up the plans for this commemorative engine, I specified the green lower body because I have always thought that this would have made the SR engines more visually stunning. I was satisfied with the results. Ben Lee

-- Ben Lee (, March 11, 2000.

The paint diagrams for all switchers called for everything from the "catwalks" down to be duluxe black. Of course the pilots had the angled barricade stripes.

-- Larry Puckett (, March 11, 2000.

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