Monorail : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread |
What are the benifits and limitations of monorail large format (5 x 4) cameras compared to non monorail models
-- Rob Sharkey (, March 09, 2000
I assume you are referring to the differences between monorail cameras and folding baseboard cameras *keeping the format constant*. I think the major benefit of a monorail camera is the great range of adjustments (swing and tilt). At the same format, a folding baseboard camera may be more limited. OTOH, I think it is virtually impossible to shoot w/o a tripod with a monorail camera whereas it is possible with a folding baseboard camera. (I sucessfully tried that with an old 9x12 cm plate camera a few times. 4x5 inches should be equivalent.) As for ease of handling, I think the folding baseboard camera wins hands down.
-- Thomas Wollstein (, March 09, 2000.
I'd like to add to the above that monorails really come into their own with very wide angle lenses. There's no baseboard to be dropped down, and the front and rear standards can be almost touching and still allow almost the full range of movements, especially when fitted with a "bag" bellows. That's another thing, the modular design allows bellows, backs, rails and standards to be changed and extended. Also, the larger lens board allows a wider range of lenses and shutters to be used.You would need to be really strong, really deperate, really mad, or possibly all three, to use one hand-held though. }:^)
-- Pete Andrews (, March 09, 2000.
Monorails have the movements. Flatbeds fold up, are easy to transport and often lighter (although all of this is dependent on individual design). Flatbeds typically have the front standard running on two runners which makes for a more rigid design (at the same weight). Monorails tend to be modular designs which are more adaptable. Monorails are typically bulky and difficult to pack into a backpack (there are notable exceptions, however). The general consensus seems to be monorail for studio/architecture and flatbed for field and backpacking. However, its an extremely personal decision and I would play around with some to see what works for you. See for more detailed discussions. DJ
-- N Dhananjay (, March 09, 2000.