we're drunk

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

hey. it's 4:53 on the first day of the festival and instead of being in a panel or a screening we're drinking free beer and smoking free cigarettes in the PLATINUM LOUNGE.

stee and pamie getting along well. it's all good.

see some of you tomorrow.


-- Anonymous, March 11, 2000


Hey, glad to hear you're having fun! Can't wait to meet y'all tomorrow!

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2000

Well, I'm shocked! And jealous. Hope you guys have enough brain cells left to write about this all when you get back.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000

You could title the entry Stone Cold Stee [in] Austin! Or maybe not.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000

The roundtable was excellent. You all did a fantastic job and the discussion was fascinating. :) It was great to see all of you! I'm sorry I had to leave a little early (had tickets to a 6 p.m. show at Zach Scott), but I thoroughly enjoyed the hour and 45 minutes I got to spend there.

They need to webcast this stuff next year.


-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000


Pamie's dead folks, it's the first post from beyond the grave cause that sounds like heaven to me!!!


Raise the wrist once for me!!!! Salute!!!

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

you know, if i didn't have a mental breakdown, i'd be handing pamie her cigarettes... i finally had enough seniority to be in the plat. lounge.

but on a lighter note, the prozac is working... :)

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

I am so bummed that I won't be at SXSW this year!

Keep an eye out for my friend Rachel - she'll be the one schmoozing the film people and scamming as much free stuff as she can. We just gave her a digital camera for her birthday and I have ordered her to send regular photo updates so that I can vicariously experience all the shenanigans.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Pick up your damn *NSYNC CDs! You know you want 'em! Justin Timberlake is so hot!


-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000

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