380EZ vs 540EZ which is better for EOS 50e

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I want to know if 380EZ or 540EZ is better suit for Canon EOS 50e?

-- Robert (itasrw@netvigator.com), March 15, 2000


If you shop around, the 550EX is only about $80 more than the 540EZ, as pointed out. It can take advantage of all of the 50e's capabilities, and then some. The 540EZ is a fine flash, it just can't use E-TTL or the features that were born with E-TTL like FE lock or high speed sync. The 380EX was introduced with the 50e, and can take advantage of all features. The disadvantages compared to the other two are that it is less powerful, doesn't offer any manual controls, and that it tilts, but doesn't swivel.

-- Brad Hutcheson (bhutcheson@iname.com), March 23, 2000.

The 380EX offers more features with the 50e than does the 540EZ, with the following exceptions: See my web page:http://www.kjsl.com/~ dave/speedlites.html

-- Dave Herzstein (dherzstein@juno.com), March 15, 2000.

Put in another $80 or so and get the 550EX. Personally, I would go for the 540EZ just because of power and the ability to override all the automatic features.

-- Thang Nguyen (nguyentnt@hotmail.com), March 22, 2000.

Robert, It depend also on what do you actually shoot. Give us little more info on what particular "field" of photography you are interested in, what is your budget, and we might be able to provide better answers.

-- Dariusz Szpunar (djszpunar@yahoo.com), March 22, 2000.

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