Newbie Nubian news : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Once again Jim, thanks for the tips on the building. Its too late for the doors opening to the inside on the barn/shed but I kept that in mind for the gate to their yard. I'll have to figure something out for the ventilation tho.

The girls, Precious(kinda tan) and Liza(black) arrived last sunday. A buddy of mine with a topper on his truck delivered them. Upon arrival we had a little goat round up when they escaped to the woods adjacent to their shed. They were a little spooky at first. They've been in the shed since we got them since the fence wasn't done by that time. That might have been a good thing tho since it gives us a chance to do a little bonding before we let them out into their yard. It seems to be working cause they'll let us pet them and they don't shy away from us as they did the first day or two.

They seem to be in pretty good spirits and in good health, but they're not eating much from what I can tell. They get about a lb of grain per day each, and all the hay they can eat. We tried them with some squash from the root cellar but they didn't eat it. Then we took them a boquet of branches and the bonding began. They love the branches! Does that mean we're goin to have to be baling branches for next winter? Just kidding. The fence is now up and the gate will be done before the day is done. Tomorrow we'll be letting them out into their new yard. Thank you all for your help!

-- john leake (, March 17, 2000


It's fun to share ideas, John, thanks for updating us. Sounds like you're having a great time with your new goats.

-- Jim Roberts (, March 17, 2000.

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