IBM Microdrive 340MB - experience? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

What experience do people have of using the IBM Microdrive (170MB or 340MB)? I would like to use it in a Canon S20. How does power consumption compare with a large memory card? Is there noticeable vibration or noise and does it matter? Can you switch back and forth between the drive and a memory card (I had an idea the Canon does not like you to change the memory card)?

Thanks David

-- David Vaughan (, March 19, 2000


David, I use the 340MB Microdrive with a Nikon D1. I really like it. It has proven very reliable. You just need to erercise some caution when handling it. Don't drop it. I have dropped mine from about 3 feet to a carpeted floor. No problem, but don't make a habit of doing that.

The Microdrive does draw more current. IBM says it draws 300mA during write. It draws 65mA or 80mA at idle, depending on wheather your camera operates the drive at 3.3V. or 5V. That idle current is very close to what a solid state card draws during write cycles. The solid state card will go much lower during idle. In my D1, I've not seen much difference in battery life between the Microdrive and solid state cards. The display, autofocus motor, and other electronics are what kill the battery. The memory is a small part of the whole drain on the battery.

You might want to visit IBMs web site. They have a good site about the Microdrives, including a complete specifications sheet. Go to

I really can't think of a reason you could not switch back and forth from card to card in the camera. But, I'm not familiar with the S20.

-- Steve (, March 19, 2000.

I use a 340MB Microdrive in my S10. Here's some experience on battery life. A: Winter night, 28 deg F, turn on, take a flask pic, turn off. Process repeated 38 times before battery indicated DEAD.

B: Daylight, 70 deg F, turn on, took 150 non flash pics, battery indicates 1/2 dead !!! (School kids w/teacher, one-one).

Hope this helps !!


-- Bill Heybruck (, April 10, 2000.

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