bankruptcy : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

We are due in court on thur 23 mar over a shortfall of #20,000 the house was repoed 4yrs ago and sold for #19,000 the mort was for #28,000 the rest is intrest.Iam currently paying off other debts/loans and my wife is paying hp on her car, which she needs for her job.we are struggling but surviving and if this jugdement goes against us it will send us under what will be my answers then .go bankrupt, pack in our jobs or pay a very very small amount till the year dot. Look forward to reading your help/advice inthe near future . thankyou Neil Mclean

-- Neil mclean (, March 19, 2000



You've got to get legal advice here. Have a look at the Who Helps? section for a range of people/organisations that will offer you help based on your particular circumstances.


-- Lee (, March 19, 2000.

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