Minox III w/o flash sync & measuring chain

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MINOX FAQ : One Thread

Martin, I'm looking for a Minox III without a flash sync or measuring chain. I've e-mailed most of the States & Europe but they all seem to have one or the other. Is there a certain range of serial numbers or years of production I should be looking for?

-- Gunvids Jansons (gunvids@webtv.net), March 21, 2000


Minox III comes with chain; if you find a III with chain, that is it. SN between 31275 to 58499 made between 1951/1953.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), March 22, 2000.

You may post a "Wanted" ad in www.minox.com or www.minoxlab.com

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), March 22, 2000.

As far as I'm aware, all Minox subminis with the exception of the VEF Riga, from the Minox II and onwards, all were equipped with chains. Even a few Rigas have a chain eyelet, though some were added after production by their owners.

Best, Duncan.

-- Duncan McMorrin (airborn@swipnet.se), July 12, 2001.

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