Nikon coolpix 990 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I currently own the coolpix 950 and am very pleased except for one feature. Taking pictures at the "HI" quality (1600X1200) setting requires approximately 30-35 seconds between shots while the camera processes the image and stores it on my 48 meg Sandisk CF card. Will the Nikon coolpix 990 have that same limitation? What will the processing and storing speed be at the highest res. and will there be a "burst" mode? Thanks.

-- Rom Welborn (, March 21, 2000


Processing of TIFF's is much faster-15-20 seconds with Lexar Media 10x 160MB (informal testing) (remember there is 50% more resolution).\


-- Mike Rubin, Product Marketing Manager Nikon (, March 23, 2000.

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