NIKON - N70 Depth of Field Preview : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have a Nikon N70 and have read some cameras have "Depth of Field Preview". Does the N70 have this and if so how do I use it. Also what is the best way to create depth of field? Thanks.

-- Joseph (, March 22, 2000


To be honest, I do not remember if it does.

I do know that then new N-80 does-and I strongly recommend this camera.

Depth of field is the apparent sharpness of an image from front to back-look at a portrait in a magazine and note how the background is blurred-but a picture of a landscape might be sharp from the front to the back.

With preview-you can see what the result might be.

You should do some reading online for more info-check links from this site. You may want to look at Nikon School (see to learn more-a one day travelling seminar for $99-I go as often as I can-and always learn something new.

Depth of field varies with the type of shooting you are doing.


-- Mike Rubin, Product Marketing Manager Nikon (, March 23, 2000.

The N70 does not have DOF preview. (mine doesn't)

-- hickster (, March 24, 2000.

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