can body's sync be used with LS lenses? : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread |
Hi everyone. I asked this on pdn, but got no responses. Can I use the sync-cable connection on the body when using my 90mm LS lens, or do I have to use the connection on the lens itself?--which is a pain because I focus with my left hand and the cable gets in the way. Also, it falls out quite often. Also it looks stupid. Also...thanks Everyone. shawn
-- shawn gibson (, March 26, 2000
Update: seems the answer is: I'm stuck with the lens connection. Oh well. Maybe I should try to shoot right-handed, that might help a little with the focusing problem...
-- shawn gibson (, March 26, 2000.
if you are shooting at 1/30th or slower, use the sync terminal on the body, if you are needing fill flash in bright light (1/60th and up) use the 90ls, or the 165ls, with the sync cord attached to the lens. ps don't forget to cock the lens before each exposure...if the RZ weren't so big and expensive I might sell off all my pentax 67 gear!
-- Abel Sanchez (, April 04, 2000.