NIKON: Cable release for the Coolpix 950? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I read in an earlier message, that a cable release is planned for the CoolPix 990's USB/Serial port. Will it work also with the CoolPix 950? Or will be there a seperate model for the CoolPix 950? Thanks, Peter Czanik

-- Peter Czanik (, March 27, 2000


You can buy an adapter for cameras with cable release sockets these seem to fairly widely available I recently bought such an adapter and can now fire my camera with either a 5 metre air release or a 60 cm cable. These options don't allow for you zoom and so on - but how on earth would you know what your camera was up to if you were metres away from it anyway?

regards Michael

-- Michael McKelvey (, April 01, 2000.

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